Friday, September 9, 2011

Follow Friday [22]

This Week's Question: Have you ever wanted a villain to win at the end of a story? If so, which one?

My Answer:
Anne Boleyn from Carolyn Meyer's Doomed Queen Anne.

Okay, she wasn't really a villain, but she was very selfish and would stop at nothing to become queen. Even so, I couldn't help but root for her throughout the book.


  1. I haven't read that one! I'm a new follower, your 200th loyal stalker... I love your blog background, it's fabulous. :)

    Happy Friday!


  2. I really enjoy books about the Boleyns. I'll have to check that one out.

    New follower!

  3. I haven't read this one yet! Just hopping through!

    My Follow Friday!

  4. Ohhh I love Anne Boleyn! I'll read anything about the Tudors :)

    My Follow Friday :)

  5. Hi and Happy Friday!

    I haven't read this book..

    My FF,

    Have a great weekend!

  6. Happy Friday! I haven't read that book. xD

    - New follower

  7. Haven't read the book. I didn't come up w/ a antihero though.
    My FF: Book that Thing!

  8. Good answer! I was rooting for her when I read that book!


    (Be sure to enter my Giveaway. The winners get to pick a book from Book Depository!)

  9. And it was sad what happened to her in the end!

    new follower.

    Here's our FF

  10. Anne Boleyn as a villain? That sounds awesome! My choice was Wile. E Coyote, he just never caught a break! Poor fool.
    New Follower hopping throught.

  11. I haven't read that but it sounds interesting!!

    Great post, new follower:D

    My Post

  12. Anne Boleyn counts as a villain because that's how people viewed her in Tudor times. I've always rooted for, though - I know she was terrible to Catherine of Aragon and the Princess Mary, but I guess I've always admired her guts and ambition. She really achieved the impossible my getting Henry to divorce and break with the Catholic Church. And she has to marry Henry or we don't get Queen Elizabeth I.

  13. Hello! Hopping through and following new blogs!

    So... not familiar with the book, but if it looks anything like the real thing, I can imagine why you'd pick her like the villain! But as you say, driven people do have something to them no? Hehe...

    Ron @ Stories of my life

  14. i have a few.
    1. in The Forest of Hands and Teeth, the main character Mary is so selfish i was rooting for the zombies. i like the rest of the series well enough though.
    2. in Ashes, Ashes, this books plot was so see through i was hoping for a bomb to go off and kill everybody, just so something unexpected happens. (not a villain, i know but i think it fits).
    i'm sure there are more, but i can't remember.


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