Sunday, February 19, 2012

Cover vs. Cover [15]

Cover vs. Cover is a weekly feature, hosted here, where I compare different covers of the same book. For more information, visit the Weekly Features page.

This week's competing covers are:

           The US Cover                                    The UK Cover

I like the US better. Even though the lilies are cliche, they're pretty. I like the shade of purple that tones the UK cover better than the purple on the US, but overall the UK cover is too similar to Fallen's cover to be the better of the two. What's interesting is that the title text for both is almost exactly the same.


  1. I like the US cover better as well. I think it is because I've seen it more and I've become accustomed to it because it isn't really that special.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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